

Recipe Category Breakfast Recipe Category
Recipe Prep Time 10 mins
Recipe Serving Size 8

Egg sandwich like never before. Try out this quick, easy and fulfilling Kiri mashup. Creamy and delicious, it’s the perfect breakfast meal.


  • 4 tbsp Kiri Jars
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • 2 tbsp zaatar
  • 8 pieces wholewheat sammoun bread
  • 1 tsp salt and pepper
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp bell pepper
  • Bunch of rocket leaves
Kiri Glass Jar

Cooking steps

  1. Mash boiled eggs
  2. Mix in Kiri
  3. Mix in the rest of the ingredients
  4. Spread 2 tbsp of egg mix on sammoun bread
  5. Sprinkle some zaatar
  6. Fold sandwich and serve

Cooking steps